talk about the notion of artistic work with Rahel Jaeggi, 5/21/12, 9 pm, with Martin Saar, 5/29/12, 8 pm

The group that works on the notion of artistic labour has organised two evenings of talks to further discuss and develop our text on artistic labour in the H&B manifesto:

  • Monday May 21st, 2012, 9 pm: Rahel Jaeggi,
    philosopher with an emphasis on practical & social philosophy, Humboldt University Berlin
  • Tuesday Mai 29th, 2012, 8 pm: Martin Saar,
    philosopher with an emphasis on political philosophy and aesthetics, University Hamburg

Both talks will take place in Judith Raum's apartment, Gitschiner Straße 89 in Kreuzberg.

you are welcome to join, please let us know about your participation:

for preparation, we read texts by Honneth, Negri and Gorz, published in polar #4, online (in German) at: