Haben und Brauchen (To Have and To Need) invites: “Please turn now. Or else: It’s straight into the wall! Presentation and public discussion of the concept for a long-term dialogue process between independent and institutional agents of the contemporary art scene and the Berlin Senate Monday, 20 October 2014, 6 pm (doors open: 5.30 pm) ZK/U – Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik Siemensstraße 27–49 10551 Berlin Since 2011 Haben und Brauchen demands an open cultural political dialogue about the situation and future of the production and presentation of contemporary art in Berlin. With the formation of the Jour Fixe Bildende Kunst upon the recommendation of the Council for the Arts in November 2013, and with the commissioning of Haben und Brauchen and bbk berlin to develop a dialogue concept, the Senate Chancellery for Cultural Affairs began moving down a path toward dialogue. As part of a closed weekend retreat in mid-February 2014 three working groups took up their tasks and developed over the last months—with the participation of agents from other initiatives as well—three elements for a long-term and nonpartisan dialogue process about the crucial issues in the thematic fields of work, city/space and notions of art. This process is supposed to complement and further the urgently required adaptation of existing funding models in the visual arts. Finally, a draft was created that describes the key points of social and cultural city development from the perspective of artists living in Berlin, explicates backgrounds, and above all proposes a multi-leveled procedure that includes a diversity of agents of contemporary art, groups and initiatives active in urban, social and cultural policy as well as political representatives and other senate departments. On 20 October, we will present and publicly discuss the concept paper, while hearing the response to it as well as the plans of the Secretary of State for Culture, Tim Renner. With amongst others: Sonja Augart, Stéphane Bauer, Leonie Baumann, Daniela Brahm, Jochen Becker, Wibke Behrens, Dellbrügge & de Moll, Discoteca Flaming Star, Matthias Einhoff, Tatjana Fell, Joerg Franzbecker, Nora Gatewood, Erik Göngrich, Michael Hauffen, Jörg Heidemann, Gabriele Horn, Philip Horst, Çağla İlk, Karl Heinz Jeron, Kerstin Karge, Sabine Köhncke, Hannah Kruse, Bernadette La Hengst, Heimo Lattner, Regina Liedtke, Herbert Mondry, Ute Müller-Tischler, Marie-José Ourtilane, Tim Renner, Christian Römer, Birgit Schlieps, Florian Schmidt, Michael Schultze, Heidi Sill, Ingrid Wagner, Marc Wohlrabe, Ina Wudtke, Moira Zoitl. Moderated by Julia Lazarus and Florian Wüst. The event will be held in German. We offer „whisper translation“ into English. With friendly support of the Senate Chancellery for Cultural Affairs. In cooperation with the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein and ZK/U. www.habenundbrauchen.de www.zku-berlin.org Download concept paper (pdf) HuB_KonzeptDP_Sept2014_dt-en.pdf
HH & B — Stories from Hamburg on Art, Work and City Politics Haben und Brauchen and bbk would like to invite you HH & B Stories from Hamburg on Art, Work and City Politics Friday, 14 February 2014, 7 pm Projektraum des Flutgraben e.V. Am Flutgraben 3 12435 Berlin www.flutgraben.org In Hamburg, art and city politics are closely interwoven with an activistic scene that opposes the instrumentalisation of culture in the splitting up and parcelling out of the city. These protest movements – against the International Bauausstellung (International Architecture Exhibition) and the Internationale Gartenschau (International Garden Festival) in Wilhelmsburg, against the demolition of the Esso-Häuser in St. Pauli or the gentrification taking place in the Schanzenviertel around the Rote Flora – are perceived far beyond Hamburg’s city limits. Projects like ‘Park Fiction’, the ‘Gängeviertel’, or ‘Not in Our Name, Marke Hamburg’ have enjoyed popularity and experienced encouragement in Berlin. In addition, the platforms ‘Recht auf Stadt’ (Right to a City) and ‘Es regnet Kaviar’ (It’s raining caviar) are building new alliances between city politics and art practice. We wish to discuss these topics in relation to the state of affairs in Berlin with: Andreas Blechschmidt, city activist Christine Ebeling, artist and Speaker of Gängeviertel Britta Peters, curator Christoph Twickel, journalist and author Moderation: Kathrin Wildner, metroZones Bar and snacks during the entire event, musical finale starting 11 pm: T-INA Darling will present a conceptual DJ set comprised of songs about the situation of low-income renters. With friendly support of the Senatskanzlei – Cultural Affairs. In cooperation with the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein. — “HH & B” is the public commencement of an intramural weekend retreat involving Haben und Brauchen (To Have and To Need) and the berufsverband bildender künstler berlin (bbk). The retreat will be dedicated to the conception of a long-term process of dialog, between agents within the art scene and the Berlin Senate, that will focus on the situation and future of the production and mediation of contemporary art in Berlin. The event will be held in German. We offer individual whisper translation into English to those interested. Should you desire translation, please submit a request by Tuesday, 11 February 2014, at the latest at info@habenundbrauchen.de.
To Have and to Need – General Strategic Meeting II, Monday 11th Nov, 7pm Location: Flutgraben e.V., Am Flutgraben 3, 12435 Berlin We would like to further discuss and deepen the questions of the last strategic meeting of Haben und Brauchen (To Have and To Need) on 16 October at ExRotaprint: How can our discursive production around cultural and urban policy issues be intensified and broadened? Which main topics should be determined (anew)? Which forms of implementation are feasible and meaningful? In the light of current events, we will also talk about the issue of an art’s plan for Berlin. We look forward to seeing those of you who feel like being a part of Haben und Brauchen, now and/or in the future, Ines Schaber and Florian Wüst ++++++++ Haben und Brauchen seeks to advocate in the field of art as well as in art’s neighboring fields a platform for discussion and action. The aim is to establish a consciousness and self-concept concerning what distinguishes the forms of artistic production and articulation that have unfolded in Berlin during recent decades, and how these forms can be preserved and further developed. info@habenundbrauchen.de www.habenundbrauchen.de
Haben und Brauchen – General Strategic Meeting, Wednesday 16th Oct, 7 PM Location: ExRotaprint Gottschedstr. 4 13357 Berlin Haben und Brauchen (To Have and To Need) is still recognised as an important and critical voice of artists and cultural producers in Berlin. This year we have so far published an open letter to Klaus Wowereit in reference to the debate surrounding the allocation of the planned city tax; we have given interviews, sent out newsletters, and participated in various panels and actions. No more, no less. We would therefore like to get together as part of a big public event and discuss how Haben und Brauchen’s discursive production around cultural and urban policy issues can be intensified and broadened. Which main topics should be determined anew and extended against the background of the current developments and effects generated by the campaign of the Koalition der Freien Szene (Independent Scene Coalition)? Which forms of implementation are thinkable and feasible, necessary and meaningful? We look forward to seeing those of you who feel like being a part of Haben und Brauchen, now and/or in the future. Joerg Franzbecker and Florian Wüst ++++++++ Haben und Brauchen seeks to advocate in the field of art as well as in art’s neighboring fields a platform for discussion and action. The aim is to establish a consciousness and self-concept concerning what distinguishes the forms of artistic production and articulation that have unfolded in Berlin during recent decades, and how these forms can be preserved and further developed. info@habenundbrauchen.de www.habenundbrauchen.de
HuB invites you to the presentations of the results of the “K2”, Thursday 15.Nov 18:00 and Friday 16.Nov 13:30
Nächstes Treffen von Haben und Brauchen: Vor dem Kunstplan – und nach dem Summit, Dienstag 6.November 2012, 20:30 Uhr
Haben und Brauchen SUMMIT 27/28 Saturday 27. October, 11am-7pm & Sunday 28. October 2012, 11am-7pm Continue reading →